Summer Camps & Programming 2021

Curious: who is running summer programming this year, and what does it look like for your library? Will it be in person, online, or a hybrid?

What PLIX activities or PLIX inspiration (plixpiration?) is a part of what you have happening this summer? We’d love to hear about it!

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Also, a friend at Maker Camp shared an opportunity to get one of “150 Maker Camp Sampler Packs” ( a kit of materials that I don’t see defined anywhere on their site. I’m sure a few of you have done Maker Camp before. I don’t see clear info about it on the site, but the way I remember it working when I designed a few seasons of Maker Camp, there were some tech tools, some craft supplies, and sometimes t-shirts and cute swag for just about any community site that registers.


This Saturday we are making paper circuits amongst other things (we did not get enough tools for making inflatables):

Later this month, also in person with 20 kids one day with those, making games, drawing, following, and playing:


No in person programming right now, kids still can’t get vaccinated and we just aren’t going there yet. We are investigating an outdoor tent for later in the summer though.
Our events are going to be a mix of online, passive, and self-guided. Like I’m planning a scavenger hunt through the city, and shrink art. For Plix events, I’m hoping to do the urban gardening matrix. I’m also teaching an overlay coding workshop with a friend for girls 11-16 in August.


We are doing a Summer Reading Program, just tracking minutes read, using Beanstack to track our data. We are under construction so no real sense of how programs will go, they have been virtual or grab/go. Things seem to be minute to minute so it is hard to plan.


We are mainly online. We have limited outdoor space and our meeting room is still not available to us. We are going to run PLIX activities in September and are very excited!

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We are not able to offer in-person programming yet, so we are doing some activity kits. Our first one is a nature journal with Urban Ecology zines and other prompts.
Urban Ecology Journal
Inside Journal

We are also doing pre-recorded virtual programs on our library’s YouTube channel.

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My library is not doing any in-person programs yet so we are providing a variety of take-and-make kits each week for both the general public and local summer camps. Our take-home activities/kits have a theme for each week of our Tails and Tales summer reading program: Dinosaurs, Safari, Pets, Fantastic Tails, Flying Creatures, and Sea Creatures. I generally do the STEM/STEAM stuff for the children’s department and my plans are:
Make a Strawbees Dinosaur kit
Paper Ramp Walker Animals
Virtual Pet with Scratch and Wind-up Toys Re-imagined (a Wonderful Idea Co. project: Wind-Up Toys Re-Imagined — Wonderful Idea Co. )
Bug Bots
Animated paper-straw automata butterfly or bird + paper airplane designs
Paper Circuit Sea Creatures

I’m currently putting together resources for my Virtual Pet project and thanks to @Tienya_Smith, I’m adding this awesome Machine Learning for Kids site to my virtual pet project examples: Machine Learning for Kids
Thank you for sharing today, Tienya!! That site is so COOL!!! :slight_smile: It’s a true goldmine of projects.
I trained this virtual pet to recognize sources of food, drink, and love by taking 10 photos (webcam needed) of each object as you’ll see at the end of this short video:

I also made another virtual pet project example with Scratch:

Also, @Chris_Dorman: You gotta share pics and vid of that humongous, awesome inflatables articulated tail you had today!! :smiley:


Hi @Dave, Your playtest video for your ML virtual pet is pure awesome sauce!! I can’t wait to share it with our Youth Counselor this afternoon.

We love Strawbees too (thanks to Maker Camp!) and recently purchased two classroom kits. This summer, we are using them to make animated cardboard structures. Thanks for the share-out.

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Here is my example for the Wind-up Toys Re-imagined activity for this week’s Pets theme:

I made an imaginary pet named Herbie Hugsby. Herbie likes to smell flowers, eat carrots & nachos, play music & video games, and give lots and lots of hugs!