PLIX Outreach at Professional Conferences

Would be very interested in sharing PLIX at conferences! I have attended ARSL in the past but am now in a larger system. I hope to have an opportunity for PLA… in 2023.
In my state of Michigan, I am planning to reach out to our library cooperatives for smaller group presentations. MLA hosts an annual conference in October.


Looks like NELA proposals are open Program Proposals @Carine @Francesca @Chris_Dorman @aaffinito

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Amazing, I’ve never heard of this conference, has anyone been? @sslucius08

I’ve heard of NELA, but have never attended either.

Hello fabulous PLIX’ers!

So, I did a panel for NYCC back in 2019 about incorporating Graphic Novels into STEAM education, and submitted it for a Graphic Novel Round Table Webinar Proposal not long ago. Not strictly PLIX related, but I’m sure there’s some overlap.

Anyway, it was accepted, yay! But a lot of the presenters from back in 2019 have relocated or swapped jobs, so I’m putting out a call here to see if anyone else would like to re-vamp this presentation and record with me for ALA’s GNRT.

Attached is the presentation from 2019 and the proposal text:

‘This group will discuss the ever-growing popularity of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) programming, and how educators can weave popular Graphic Novel/ Comic titles into their curriculums to increase interest and develop unique projects. We will have a panel of librarians and educators speaking about their experience in this area, as well as a short presentation explaining our framework with sample projects that give attendees ideas on how to get started. We will end with an audience Q & A and have additional information to send to attendees for further research.’


Could be interesting to talk about PLIX zines in this too!

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Congratulations on getting accepted! I don’t have much knowledge of graphic novels but it sounds like a terrific topic. Even with my limited knowledge, I know there is a lot of crossover between science and graphic novels, and they have become extremely popular with both elementary school and high school ages. For me, I see a huge benefit for students to engage with subjects in graphic novels as they tend to present information in bite-sized, illustrated chunks. This makes it more digestible for teens, or anyone. There is also the benefit of context whenever knowledge is presented in a narrative form. Traditional textbooks can take information out of context and make it harder to apply. The slides look awesome. I will look forward to your presentation!

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Sorry for my late reply. I’ve had some health issues and have been out of the loop. However, I’ve been to NELA conferences in the past and really enjoyed them. I would absolutely love to work on putting together a presentation with any New England (and states nearby) Ambassadors.
Is it worth starting a new thread just for this? You’re also welcome to email me at

@aaffinito this is really exciting! I’d be happy to give you a hand if you like. I’m not a super expert on STEAM or graphic novels but they both seem to be playing more and more of a major role in my job and I find both topics fascinating.

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@Francesca Thanks for chiming in! I’d love to do a NELA conference proposal, feel free to use the resources we developed in the Google Doc. And awesome I’ll let you know if we need a hand with the STEAM proposal! I’ve got some folks interested in presenting but I’ll definitely share the recording link :slight_smile:

I’m still up for working on a NELA proposal. The deadline is May 6th, maybe you me, @aaffinito, and whoever else is interest can setup a time to meet in April?

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Sounds great to me!


@Carine @Chris_Dorman @aaffinito @sslucius08 YES! Let’s set up an April meeting date to discuss the NELA Proposal. For those of you who are interested, you can contact me directly at and I can work on finding a time that’s good for all of us.