Celebrate 20 Years of Processing (coding language)

Today is the 20th Anniversary of the release of Proce55ing from Casey Reas and Ben Fry (who were in the MIT Media Lab’s Aesthetic Computing Group, led by John Maeda). It was an exciting day at the Lab!

Eventually the 5s were changed to Ss, and these days Processing (also p5.js) is widely used by as “a flexible software sketchbook and a language for learning how to code within the context of the visual arts.”

PLIX doesn’t currently have any activities connected to Processing, but we’ve talked about how we might use it or p5.js if we find interested libraries and an ML researcher working on it. Let us know if you’ve been dabbling in it at all, or if you have led a patron program using it!

There are some events planned for the Processing 20th Anniversary Community Celebration. Of particular interest to the education community is the Creative Coding Fest on Sunday, August 21 : “a free and inclusive event…to engage in creative coding. Come spend a day making interactive and engaging digital art, animation, games.”